Investigating the influence of maternal zinc supplementation as strategy for reducing the risk of developing Autism Spectrum Disorders and associated symptoms


TitleInvestigating the influence of maternal zinc supplementation as strategy for reducing the risk of developing Autism Spectrum Disorders and associated symptoms

NameGrabrucker and Stanton

Type:Biomedical Research


Dr. Grabrucker’s team at the Bernal Institute of University of Limerick investigates a link between zinc deficiency and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Their research is now supported by the International Zinc Association (IZA), industry partners, and charities (Autismo ABP). In a study funded with 296k Euro for UL, the team will work together with the School of Medicine and Health Sciences TecSalud of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico. The clinical study investigates the benefits of zinc supplementation during pregnancy and the underlying mechanisms on the cellular level.